Berry Watermelon Fruit Salad

Summer is the season I do my best to avoid cooking, at least in a formal way, tossing out written recipes in favor of big, kitchen-sink salads with whatever vibrant, flavorful veggies we’ve harvested from the garden or hoarded from the farmer’s market. Simple grilled proteins with more veggies. Piles of fruit and berries – I think I’ve consumed my weight in berries over the past few months, eaten raw by the handful or roasted under quick crumble toppings.

This berry watermelon fruit salad is exactly the sort of non recipe I make over and over again, all Summer long. Peak season fruit doesn’t need a whole lot (or often anything) to be spectacular – in this case just a light squeeze of fresh lime juice and a quick toss together before being eaten with a big spoon, preferably al fresco

Happy September! Are you excited Autumn is on its way? Or is it still sweltering where you are? We have some catching up to do!'s really really freshh... ^_^

Berry Watermelon Fruit Salad

Prep time
Total time
Yield: 4-6 Servings
  • 4 cups watermelon, cubed
  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and quartered
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • 1 pint raspberries
  • 1 pint cherries, pitted and halved
  • 1/2 pint blackberries
  • squeeze of fresh lime juice
  1. Cut all of the fruit into bite-sized pieces. Add to a large mixing bowl, and gently toss together. Top with a squeeze of fresh lime juice, to taste. Serve chilled.

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