Easy Grilled Ginger-Soy Lamb Chops

This recipe is so easy. You only need SEVEN INGREDIENTS. And that’s a legit count. None of this “oh you only need seven ingredients, but that doesn’t count salt, pepper, olive oil and blah blah blah”. No way. . .

Easy Grilled Ginger-Soy Lamb Chops

I would not lie to you people. You literally only need seven ingredients and a hot grill. Hallelujah! And everything comes together in a snap. You can make the marinade while the grill is pre-heating and the lamb only takes about 5 minutes to cook. It’s so easy. I love it for a casual weekday dinner. But trust me when I say people will be impressed if you served this at a weekend barbecue with friends and family.

Just one word of caution: your grill will flare up fairly significantly once you start basting the lamb chops with the marinade. So please be careful!
  • 8 lamb chops
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and minced
  • 1 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, roughly chopped
  1. Remove the lamb chops from your refrigerator and leave them at room temperature for several minutes to take some of the chill off. Trim and discard any excess fat from the meat. Pre-heat your grill to high.
  2. While your grill is pre-heating, make the marinade. In a small bowl, combine the soy sauce, olive oil, brown sugar, ginger and garlic. Mix well. Then remove two tablespoons of the marinade to a clean bowl and set it aside for later.
  3. Lightly oil your grill racks. Place the lamb chops on the grill and cook for 2 minutes. Then flip the lamb chops and baste them generously with the marinade. Word of caution: your grill will flare up while you do this. Work CAREFULLY people!
  4. Cook the lamb chops for 2 minutes on the second side. Then flip again and baste them generously a second time. Continue cooking until they are done, just about 1 minute more. Remove from the grill and transfer to serving platter. Garnish with the chopped parsley.
  5. Serve immediately with some of the reserved marinade.

Easy Grilled Ginger-Soy Lamb Chops | www.floatingkitchen.net

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